Grandparents Day: What to Write

Is Grandparents Day really a thing?

One might be tempted to believe that National Grandparents Day is another pretend holiday put forth by Big Greeting Card in a greedy attempt to line their already bursting pockets with yet another card giving occasion. I can't speak for the entire industry, but I can tell you that despite what the motives behind this new holiday might be I am not taking the risk of not taking Grandparents Day seriously. Who doesn't love Grandparents? They are the undisputed most important people in the world. Who slips you cash money when your mom isn't looking to spend on stickers, jelly beans, and other useless amusements?

Grandparents are also the ultimate secret keepers. They'll never let your parents know that it was you who knocked that vase over during a house party you threw while they were in Wisconsin. No one told you playing a game of human Hungry, Hungry Hippo could have such disastrous consequences.

Grandma and Grandpa understand, and your secret is safe. multicultural grandmother and granddaughter grandparents day Grandparents are to be revered and celebrated. Ignore Grandparents Day at your peril. At the very least give them a greeting card with a thoughtful, handwritten message. You overachievers might even stuff the card with a scratch ticket or gift card. Go nuts. Grandma and Grandpa deserve it.

What to Write

For those of you who wisely heed my warnings here are a few ideas on what to write in a greeting card this Grandparents day.
  • Grandma, thank you for limitless generosity. Keep the $20s coming. Your willingness to take my phone calls during your favorite soap opera means the world to me. I know it can get tiresome listening to me prattle on and on about the trials and tribulations I face while riding the subway - what kind of person rides the subway while carrying a cactus?!? I appreciate and love you. Happy Grandparents Day!
    • I understand this suggestion might not work for everyone but if my Nana was still alive, that's the note she would receive.
  • Happy Grandparents Day! Your love and support mean everything to me. I'm not sure whether this is a real holiday or not but who cares? You're amazing, and that's what matters.
  • I wouldn't be who I am without you. I remember seeing your face in the crowd at every game, play, and important milestone of my childhood. I love you. Happy Grandparents Day.
  • May your Grandparents Day be filled with love, laughter, and countless blessings.
  • Thank you for always being there for me. Words cannot express how much your lifelong support and guidance means to me. I love you and wish you the happiest Grandparents Day ever.
The suggestions above are just the beginning; the lovepop team specializes in helping our customers articulate their most heartfelt sentiments to their loved ones. Take a few moments to sit down and reflect on what your relationship with your grandparents mean to you. Never discount the value of a heartfelt and authentic message. It will be cherished. Trust me.
grandmother granddaughter popup greeting card grandparents dayMy daughter Cameron gifting her Grandma a Pink Cherry Blossom lovepop card

Will you be celebrating Grandparents Day this year?

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It is SO good to feel appreciated! LOVE the Pink Cherry Blossom lovepop card…


Veronica,you are amazing,great articL and. Photo..xoxo


What great suggestions! Grandparents are truly special people


Great suggestions! Grandparents love is unconditional


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